Apple and Honey Method:
Grind 1 apple and add 4 tbsp of honey. Mix well and apply this mixture on the face. Rinse it off after 10 minutes. This would leave your skin soft and clear naturally.

Egg White Method:
Prepare a mixture of egg white, grapes and lemon. Apply this paste over your face and wash it after 15 minutes. Lemon has been found as a natural cleanser, egg-white helps in tightening the skin and grapes helps in providing soft touch to the skin.

Coconut Milk Method:
Apply coconut milk on the skin. The coconut oil keeps your skin moisturized and will not make your skin oily.

Papaya and Watermelon:
Fruits like papaya and watermelon can be rubbed on the skin tocleanse skin naturally and remove excess oils from the skin.

Clay Mask:
Clay masks remove the excess oil from the skin.Not only is the excess oil removed, the clay mask tighten up and closes the pores. 

Orange Peel Method:
Dry some orange peels. Take those dried orange peel and make a powder. Now add some rose water in orange peel and make a paste out of it. Apply this mixture on face to freshen up your skin.

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